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Brick Canvas


Step Up. Step Strong. Step into Fitness Fun!

Class Description

The step class at Brick Canvas is an engaging and fun way to incorporate cardio into a workout routine. The description of beginning with a warm-up, followed by choreographed routines on a raised platform (the Step) and finishing with a cool down, suggests a structured and well-rounded workout. The use of music can also add an element of enjoyment and motivation to the workout. The class is suitable for all levels, as this can make it accessible to a wide range of individuals with varying fitness levels and experience. Overall, the step class at Brick Canvas is a great option for anyone looking for a fun and challenging cardio workout that can be modified for all levels. The combination of choreography and music can make for an engaging and energizing workout that can help individuals achieve their fitness goals.

Cancellation Policy

NEW Late Cancel & No Show Policy Please note that our NEW Late Cancel & No Show Policy will apply to all fitness classes: You must CANCEL your class at least 6 hours before your class starts to avoid a fee. Classes canceled within 6 hours will be charged a LATE CANCEL fee of $15. A missed class will be charged a NO SHOW fee of $20, this includes late cancellations within one hour. Need help? Please contact us directly at 801-407-8620 so we may assist you. We value your cooperation in helping us create a fair and organized scheduling system that benefits all guests!

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